2019 was such a great year! We did amazingly well!”
Exclamations like these are everywhere at the moment.
But at Huss Group, we don’t want to bore you with our failures and successes from 2019. You can read about such things during the rest of the year. We want to look ahead to the future and an exciting 2020.

2020 marks the fourth year of Huss Group. So, we should be well established by now. In some respects, we are, but in others we’re far from it. Maybe it’s because we work with startups that the unexpected can happen at any time. As an organisation, we always have to be very flexible and ready to act in an unpredictable situation. This is what makes every day different. We never know when or what challenges lie ahead!
And we will face many challenges in 2020. Some of them we know about already, but we are blissfully ignorant about most of them – for the time being at least. One thing is for certain: We will face up to them all as a team and with our amazing partners in Europe and Africa.

One thing we do know already, though, is that in 2020 we will be focusing on our three business areas: Lasergame, Advisory and Investment.

Lasergame has been and will continue to be the biggest business for us throughout 2020. We’ve managed to develop new game types, which we will be launching in all countries in spring 2020. Our focus for 2020 will not be on growth but on the overall customer experience. We are in no doubt that our equipment is unique in the world, but we still struggle to show all our customers what we can do for them. Particularly in the countries where we have opened over the past few years, the customer experience we offer has not reached its full potential. We will also continue to develop our games in the major European cities, where our customers will experience more than just Lasergame.

As far as our Advisory business goes, we will be launching a new concept in summer 2020, which will gather all our partners under one brand. This will make it easier to help clients all over Europe to enter the German market. Furthermore, this will enable us to provide new clients with the right tools and expertise faster.

Our investments have always had a special place in our business. When we started Lasergame in 2004, we were in the same situation as many of the entrepreneurs we meet along the way now. This is why we’re so willing to help them to succeed.

Being a startup in Europe and Africa can be so different. Our task for 2020 is to adapt to both markets. At the same time, we have a clear vision of what it takes for a startup to enjoy success. We believe that there is more to success than money alone. All too many private and public startup HUBs and accelerator programmes define their support of startups by who can pay for a workspace or has the money to pay for help. We want to change that, and we started in Nairobi with our first Accelerator programme. In 2020, we will be bringing the concept to Europe.

We have a very exciting year ahead of us, when we will hopefully make an impact, not only in business but throughout society, too. We know that with success comes responsibility, and we are willing to take that responsibility.