To find new clients you have to create a strategy. This strategy has to involve different parts of your company and has to be divided in different steps.

1: Company – strategy and identity
• Find and define values, align strategy with values
• Orientation towards special features, strengths and experiences
• Set goals, formulate the main goal, check goals and achieve them
• Get to know your drive, find the “why” and pass it on
• Take personal responsibility, sharpen focus

2: Target Group
• Concentration on a (small) target group
• Describe desired customers in concrete terms and get to know them in detail
• Characteristics: lucrative, energetic, networked, personally appropriate
• Find out where the target group is; question customers
• Create the desired customer profile

3: Positioning
• Positioning = USP
• E.g. about offers, appearance, approach, designation, …
• Be different, set yourself free from competition, break with conventions
• Interacting by distinguishing, expanding, changing or renewing
• Emphasize personality, and develop a clear recognizable profile

4: Branding
• Build trust, inspire customers, and offer something new
• Strong, consistent and recognizable appearance internally and externally
• Telling stories, arousing emotions, offering experiences
• Be authentic and distinctive
• Emphasize personality

5: Distribution & Marketing
• Increase awareness, use repetition and become visible
• Overcoming hurdles, creating transparency, demonstrating competence
• Win and retain customers, use partnerships
• Build and maintain reputation, communicate with customers
• Train employees, expand sales, (better) sell
• AIDA Marketing Formula

6: Development
• Develop and communicate the vision and mission statement
• Set simple milestones, focus on the most important goals
• Stay on track, check regularly and stay tuned
• Make a not-to-do list and learn to say “no”.
• Write down problems, obstacles and limitations
• Act immediately, take the first step

If you want to take the next steps, you can book your meeting with Benjamin now via: